Map Dev

رواد في تقنيات الجغرافيا المكانية ورسم الخرائط في المملكة العربية السعودية، وتقديم خدمات استشارية وتطويرية وتنفيذية شاملة.

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لماذا الاختيار MAP DEV

تأسست شركة Map Dev عام 1982، وهي رائدة في تقنيات الجغرافيا المكانية ورسم الخرائط في المملكة العربية السعودية، حيث تقدم خدمات استشارية وتطويرية وتنفيذية شاملة.

جزء من المهندس. مجموعة زكي فارسي الاستشارية، الشركة الرائدة في مجال إنتاج الخرائط والطباعة والخدمات الطبوغرافية – عبر التطبيقات المطبوعة والرقمية. في مملكة تتغير باستمرار، توفر Map Dev أحدث الحلول للمستقبل، بما في ذلك تطوير تطبيقات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، وويب نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، والخدمات السحابية لنظم المعلومات الجغرافية.

تعد المملكة العربية السعودية سياقًا فريدًا من نوعه، فالمعرفة طويلة المدى بهذه البيئة الفريدة هي أساس جميع أعمال Map Dev. يتم تطبيق أكثر من أربعة عقود من المعرفة عبر التقنيات الأكثر تقدمًا، بما في ذلك الاستشعار عن بعد، وأنظمة التتبع، والمسوحات الميدانية، والمسح بالليزر، والطائرات بدون طيار، وحلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات المبتكرة.

تضمن قاعدة البيانات الجغرافية التي لا مثيل لها الحصول على وجهات نظر بعيدة المدى حول المناظر الطبيعية المتنوعة - بدءًا من المناطق الحضرية المزدحمة وحتى البيئات الواسعة خارجها.

وبفضل التحالفات العالمية، تحظى Map Dev بالثقة على أعلى المستويات الوزارية، وتتمتع بخبرة واسعة في العمل عبر المشاريع الحكومية والخاصة.


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Map Dev Services

Almost four decades dedicated to tirelessly mapping, researching, and organizing geographic knowledge means Map Dev now oversees the largest integrated geospatial database of Saudi Arabia. These unparalleled resources unlock possibilities in more than 160 cities and villages. Governed by the same principles that have allowed its development. Our Geo-database is continuously pushed forward by

Providing all APIs, web, and GIS portal services across cloud platforms, Map Dev is an invaluable resource for government and private sectors, as well as public users.

Across consultative, development, and executive services, Map Dev and its database can be actively applied across diverse fields, with consolidated expertise in:

Maps (Digital and Paper)
Geographic locations
Vehicle tracking systems
Field Surveying
Remote sensing
Geo-Web applications
Cloud Mapping platforms
Field Surveying

Our Map Dev Solution Are Top Notch

Widespread Technology


As a pioneer in providing consultation, Geospatial services and developing them using the latest technology, distinctive in Geospatial data all over kingdom to fulfill Saudi Market Needs

Vast Functionality


The possibilities unlocked by geospatial and mapping services are endless. Map Dev provides suitable solutions, starting with geographic browsing reaching to research and Spatial analysis along with developing geospatial solutions. We will guide you with tailored GIS solutions to advance your projects

Cloud Map Services


Cloud mapping services provide the ability to view interactive maps from anywhere at any time in safe ways, as well as the ability to easily interact with them by adding your geospatial data and browsing it safely. If you seek the most cutting-edge approaches, Map Dev is the only national entity providing consulting, digital services, technology solutions, and development in the field of Geographic Information Systems.

Map Dev Professional Services

Map Dev FAQ'S

A GIS is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. It integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.

A GIS system typically consists of hardware (computers, GPS devices, etc.), software (GIS software), data (spatial data and attribute data), people (GIS professionals), and procedures (workflows and methodologies for data management, analysis, and visualization).

Geo Database Updating & Survey involves updating spatial databases with current and accurate information through various surveying techniques. It’s crucial for maintaining the currency and accuracy of spatial data used in GIS applications, ensuring informed decision-making and analysis.

Common methods include field surveys using GPS devices, aerial surveys using drones, satellite imagery interpretation, ground truthing, and crowd-sourcing data collection techniques.

Drones offer advantages such as cost-effectiveness, rapid data collection, high-resolution imagery, accessibility to remote or hazardous areas, and flexibility in flight patterns and data acquisition.

Remote sensing involves acquiring information about objects or areas from a distance, typically through aerial or satellite sensors. In GIS applications, remote sensing data (e.g., satellite imagery, aerial photographs) are used for mapping, monitoring land use/land cover changes, environmental assessment, disaster management, etc.

Common remote sensing platforms include satellites, aircraft (manned and unmanned), and drones. Each platform offers different capabilities in terms of spatial resolution, spectral bands, revisit frequency, and cost.

GIS provides the framework for storing, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data, while remote sensing offers a means to acquire that data. Together, they enable the integration of diverse data sources for comprehensive spatial analysis and decision-making.

Applications include habitat mapping, biodiversity assessment, deforestation monitoring, urban planning, watershed management, climate change analysis, and natural disaster response and mitigation.

Essential skills include spatial analysis, data management, programming (e.g., Python), remote sensing techniques, cartography, communication, and domain knowledge in areas such as geography, environmental science, urban planning, or agriculture.

Our Clients

Unlock the Potential of GIS with MAP DEV

Founded in 1982, Map Dev pioneers in geospatial and mapping technologies in Saudi Arabia, providing comprehensive consultative, development, and executive services.

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